The Proust Questionnaire

October 28, 2023

Proust was retroactively classified as Enneagram Type 4.

My favorites of his responses to his famous questionnaire below:

"Your favourite virtue"

The need to be loved; more precisely, the need to be caressed and spoiled much more than the need to be admired.

Your favourite qualities in a man

Feminine charm.

"Your favourite qualities in a woman"

Manly virtues, and the union of friendship.

"Your idea of happiness"

I am afraid it be not great enough, I dare not speak it, I am afraid of destroying it by speaking it.

This one is a very Type 4 response.

"If not yourself, who would you be?"

Myself, as the people whom I admire would like me to be.

A great answer.

"Your favourite occupation"


From Enneagram Type 4 description:

While it is true that Fours often feel different from others, they do not really want to be alone. They may feel socially awkward or self-conscious, but they deeply wish to connect with people who understand them and their feelings. The “romantics” of the Enneagram, they long for someone to come into their lives and appreciate the secret self that they have privately nurtured and hidden from the world. If, over time, such validation remains out of reach, Fours begin to build their identity around how unlike everyone else they are. The outsider therefore comforts herself by becoming an insistent individualist: everything must be done on her own, in her own way, on her own terms. Fours’ mantra becomes “I am myself. Nobody understands me. I am different and special,” while they secretly wish they could enjoy the easiness and confidence that others seem to enjoy.