The line wrap algorithm in CSS

Exotic CSS line wrap rules

December 28, 2022

The line wrap algorithm wraps at soft wrap opportunities--breaking characters like spaces and dashes.   is a non-breaking space that can't be used to line break.


overflow-wrap: break-word gives the browser permission to break after any character. hyphens: auto adds hyphens at work break points.

  • It only works if the lang attribute is set on the <html> tag.

text-overflow: ellipsis

Overflow management occurs after the line-breaking algorithm runs.

  • Truncating content requires disabling line-wrapping with white-space: nowrap.

This snippet produces ellipsis after 250px. white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis max-width: 250px;

Multi-line ellipsis

The following snippet will ellipse a paragraph on the third line. display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-line-clamp: 3; overflow: hidden;

Someday this will be replaced by line-clamp, but it's not quite ready yet.

Additional notes

React Wrap Balancer is a "Simple React Component That Makes Titles More Readable", worth checking out.

Some of this content is based on Josh Comeau's excellent CSS resources.